MANIFEST - P&P Edition
Pay what you can / desire (I love Angel numbers) (Love You)
This was recorded LIVE at a PEAK time in my life of manifestations, upgrading and sooo much magic. I am honoured to share the recording with you now!
FOCUS: Manifestation, money, life by design, desires, actualization, co creation +++
Just short of 2hrs of BRILLIANCE, MAGIC & POWERFUL transmission, integrations, riffs, upgrading, a wholeeeee ceremonial experience for YOU to manifest your desires. Formulas, processes, upgrades ++ ENJOY BABE.
Oh and I made this "pay what you want/can/desire!"
I find it fun - being playful and respectful with money is always a vibe.
As always, once you've purchased shoot me a message so we can celebrate You!!
Love You